Pulse of the Day (20.11.2020): Making Peace

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Disconnection. Discord. Disunion. The two of cups in the tarot speaks of soulmate union and sharing. Soulmates aren't necessarily always romantic as popular culture will have you believe. Soulmates come in many forms and play many roles in each other's journey in this lifetime. The fundamental aspect of a soulmate connection is a deeper sense of finding shared alignment with someone who you may call a friend, a partner in business or life, a parent, or a teacher. Different soulmates have different roles and shared journeys with each other which may sometimes be hard to understand if the idea of soulmate you've subscribed to is that from rom-coms and instant whirlwind romances.

The harder aspect of this energy of lack of connection, or a breaking away or separation that this card speaks to me of today is in accepting that being soulmates doesn't imply that we will spend all our lives together, in the same deep, blissful state we found with the other. We evolve, they evolve and feelings and meanings change. With that, connections change.

There are always those kinds of connections where the foundation is simple and obvious in terms of the two people 'belonging with each other' in whatever format they'd come together, but somehow something not working out to make that happen. What that something is what today's pulse speaks of. That feeling of something feeling off, that mismatch comes from emotional misalignment. Maybe the role we played in each other's lives has reached its final state at this point in time. I say, this point in time because the key aspect of soulmate connections is that the foundation of deep respect and appreciation for each other always remains, making separation a mere illusion part of the human experience.

This card screams to me of a slightly reflective zone that perhaps some of you are in about a relationship not working out and trying to make sense of why. Perhaps, you tried really hard to mould your heart in a way that would fit with the terms of that relationship, but it felt like you'd stopped being yourself or it just didn't help.

This energy also speaks of a sense of disconnection within one's heart and mind as well, wherein it feels like one part of you knows all of it - the timing, the need to move forward, and hopes of a happier future - but then there's this other part of you that refuses to or unable to move forward. If this is you, know that forward movement in anything you do requires an aligned mind and heart and if your heart needs space and time to process all the changes that have happened and all that you are embarking on, give it that. It'll only benefit you.

If you are someone who enjoys using colour or sketching to process and journal, I'd recommend trying out this Udemy class where I give you a drawing tool to be closer to your feelings. Those of you not keen for it, I'd recommend simply going for a walk (without your phone) for 20 minutes and listen in. Why's your heart not able to move ahead, what is it trying to ask of you? Is there something you're not allowing yourself to see, feel, know or is it simply asking you to give it time to rest and integrate it all, before it feels ready to align with your mind and move ahead.

In all, this is a difficult heart energy that asks you to sit with the disconnection and it's pain in a way that allows complete resolution within before forcing forward momentum.

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